I'm sorry but I wasn't available to answer you in that time but if you still need the answer tell me.
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I saw your team my friend and I see if you need to go far and win trophies you need at least all of your main squad be 4* and some of main squad players be 5* ... and i see that your team need many great players to go on.
and don't worry for losing matches this always happen to all players and to me personally (And as you know i can counter any formation usual and unusual) but it's happening don't be sad.
but if you wanted to won and go so far in league you must buy the players i asked you about ... (AML 4* or 5* - DL 4*/5* - 2 striker 4*/5*) and this need tokens and money and if you couldn't buy token in this time from season and if you wait to accumulate tokens for a week or more then i think you will be late.
this game is as follows :
buying tokens + buying 5* players + good formation(not v.good even) = then this means you can even won the league trophy and go on CL and CUP.
think in my words and if you need any thing you know who to find me :)
this means you lost the control on ball buy playing with only one MC.
if you can play with 4 3 2 1 it will be great and red Arrows at AMR/L this means you play with 1 basic striker and 2 coming from back so it will works good ... and by playing with 3 MCs this means you also will control the game at med and forward.
Orders : normal mentality ... mixed passing ... counter attack ... offside trap.
and good luck :)
how to beat this 31411??
any idea??