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Thread: how to beat this formation for remaining in the 1st position int he league ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    how to beat this formation for remaining in the 1st position int he league ?

    please help . i need to beat this game for remaining the the 1st place. which formation should i use?
    this is the opponent how to beat this formation for remaining in the 1st position int he league ?-capture1.jpg
    and mine how to beat this formation for remaining in the 1st position int he league ?-my.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    How about a picture of your team base on quality instead of condition? See if we can help you on that.
    Personally, I have made the decision, granted that my quality is higher, I will use the same formation as the opponent
    Counter formations just don't quite work for me anymore.
    Season 19

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    Cup Winner - Level 3,5,16
    Cup Quarter Finals - Levels 1,2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    3-1-4-2, red arrow on your mc's and strikers! blue arrow on your dmc! mixed pass, zonal, attacking, hard tackling! i won every match against different teams with that formation even teams that where better then mine! Make sure you have a player who can score from free-kick! Because you will get free-kicks for sure

    "Rare But Strong Together"

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