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Defensively, I'd use four defenders to account for his 3 ST. DL/DR also to block his ML/MR. If you want to play defensively, 2 MC's with blue arrows to account for the your adversaries 2 MC's potentially going forward. Then attack his flanks and have two strikers since a lone DC should struggle against that. 4-4-2 classic or 4-2-2-2 hexagon should work for this. Defensive/normal mentality, passing down the flanks, own half pressing, hard tackling, mixed passing with counterattacks. Red arrows on DL, DR, ML/AML, MR/AMR and blue arrows on both MC's.
If you want to play offensively, 4-1-2-1-2 narrow diamond is a good option too. Basically, he's only using 1 DC, so you punish him with 2 ST and a motivated AMC. Basically, if his MC's have red arrows you have 1 DMC, whom may be a bit overwhelmed but 1 DMC marking 2 MC's in your defensive midfield is better than him having none defending his. If he has blue arrows on his MC's, you'll still overwhelm his lone DC with 2 ST and a motivated AMC. Attacking mentality, through the middle, whole pitch pressing, short passing, hard tackling, no counter attacks, no offsides. Red arrows on DL/DR, DMC, MC, MC and AMC.
Good luck!!!