looks like you'll have 80% possesionif i'm not wrong that's illegal formation
12 seasons, 35T player
5 Titles, 3 Runner-up, 2 Third place
0 Champions league, 2 Runner-up, 3 Third place
1 Cup, 0 Runner-up, 0 Third place
I'd suggest you set up to play against a 3-4-3 since he might just pull those DMCs back a slot.
yes you can beat him with 4-5-1 v style, and yes its illegal so you will have a large possession boost
RETIREDLevel 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup TitlesServer 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought
I'm not experienced enough to advice you but what I've understood so far is that counter formations does not exist.
There's many factors which affect the match, like:
- your formation, which shouldn't be changed often, i would even say never
- players on their natural positions, their quality and how long do they play together
- orders, these affect the game huge I think
- players morale, condition, age..
- etc
Good luck
12 seasons, 35T player
5 Titles, 3 Runner-up, 2 Third place
0 Champions league, 2 Runner-up, 3 Third place
1 Cup, 0 Runner-up, 0 Third place
Thats nice
But that guy are crazy only 1 man in deffense? LOL...
Jao pa ti si balkanac brateja tek sad provalio xD
Brate sta mislis da'li mogu 100% da ga pobedim strah me prvi put u zivotu vidim ovakvu formaciju![]()
Ja mislim da je ovako stavio da te prevari, pred utakmicu će vjerojatno promijenit u 343 vidiš da mu ova dva dmc-a mogu bit i dc-i.
A ima i puno zamjena vidiš dolje, svašta može napravit, vidjet ćeš kad krene tekma.
Jedno je sigurno, tip je aktivan i postavit će legalnu formaciju, neće ovako igrat.
Tebi je najbolje igrat kako inače igraš, kako ti je ekipa uigrana.
Just told him that I think this guy will change formation before match starts and will probably play 343.
12 seasons, 35T player
5 Titles, 3 Runner-up, 2 Third place
0 Champions league, 2 Runner-up, 3 Third place
1 Cup, 0 Runner-up, 0 Third place