This formation is considered illegal by the rules but something must be wrong about that.

I have strong team, and really prepare for every single match. Before the match I got a ready plan and for every possible counter I got a ready counter as well. Won 7 matches in a row this season and most of them like 6:0.

And then i got this:


I couldn´t find a counter to that anywhere but should be a piece of cake and I went with:


So I could block his only Attacking path with a DMC and posses both flanks completely. Red arrows on the MR/ML only, with normal mentality and passes down both flanks. My strength was 21 vs his 16. Not only gave me that guy my only 0:0, but worse than that, I had like 63% possession while having a 12% bonus. Thats what I use to have in away games. Now tell me about how illegal that formation really is. Is this a bug or am I missing something? It´s not like I really needed that points but it hurts my soul to let him get away with that kind of formation.