Ahahahahahah!!! I'm sorry, that wasn't the right formation...it was 3N-1-2N-2W-2

I play this formation as an attacking one, so Attack minded, mixed pass, whole pitch press, hard tackle, long passing, zonal, off side trap on.
Let's explain:
as you know, 4-4-2 ND is an attacking formation, centered minded because of his peculiar shape, his strenght is the middle the 2 MC's and the AMC, sometimes supported by DMC's with red arr's.
So i think fall down both flanks could be a "must", but...you need a formation that
either could front his middle line and the same time could push on flanks. You don't need to cover your flanks, he has got no wings.
At last three defenders could front his attack (be sure they're top trained or near to), one DMC could front his AMC (put blue arr). Your middle line drive the center pitch by number (4 Vs 2+1), put
red arr's on your two MC's and let the exteranls do their work. In this way you'll get a crack between att and def lines, don't worry long pass could help you.
To take advantage of the MC's attack along with strikers use
mixed pass
Hope this could help you, surely something can be changed as arrows on externals or you could try the defensive mind to take advantage of the counterattack...but this arrangement served me.
Good Luck.