What's the general opinion on tinkering with formations for certain games? I tend to hear you should try and keep your formation as consistent as possible, and since I went to the formation below (4-4-1-1) I've gone P12 W10 D0 L2 F50 A7.
The problem is it all came to a bit of an abrupt halt in the Champions League first leg today, as I got turned over 2-4 at home by a team rated pretty much identically to me. Looking at his formation where he bizarrely has a back 4, DCM, CM & ACM with 3 strikers I can't work out why though, as I know he has 3 strikers, but I would have thought my 4 man midfield would have suffocated his lightweight midfield who are pretty much playing 1 behind the other!
I was just wondering whether when playing against 3 strikers or 2 strikers and an attacking midfielder, I should employ a DMC?
Be interested to hear all your thoughts?