Since you have no dml/dmr, it's my opinion that you should take advantage of his weak middle. I wouldn't recommended this last season, but since changes took massive impact of the midfield... i would
You should try with 5-3-2 or 4-3-3 flat formations... I've seen what these formations can do, and they are overpowering the opponents 2MC's in every way.
Wait for other opinions, and make your decision, however this season aml/amr formations like 4-5-1,3-5-2 v, and 4-2-2-2 have a weakness in the midfield.
*Of cource, it's my view that midfield is the problem with these formation, but everyone can confirm about nerfing these formations![]()
do not use 4-5-1 v style as 4-2-2-2 hex is a strong counter against it, use a formation strong in the middle, and go through the middle. 4-3n-1-2 should be good
RETIREDLevel 25, Season 25, 18 League Titles, 10 CL Titles, 3 Cup TitlesServer 201, 4-5-1 V-style fan, 0 Tokens bought
Just go to one striker and 3 cm. never failed me against this formation.