Hello again.
now it will get a little complex.
(sry for my bad english and you don't need to answer everything. if you know the answer to just one point of my questions, so tell only that one

I am still confused about this topic. how can i counter the enemy. what's the right and which player needs a blue or red arrow. what are that arrows for.
my enemy next game plays: i've read this should be a counterposibility:
5 - 0 - 2 - 1 - 2 (x) 4 - 2 - 2 - 2
is that 4 - 0 - 2 - 2 -2 or 4 - 2 - 0 - 2 - 2 or 4 - 2 - 2 -0 -2
i guess the enemy will play defensive and counterplay through mid with that formation.
((((((((should i play aggressive, pressure the whole pitch and force offside? should i mark or defence area? or better also play defensive and counter him? is offensive mentality always short range passes and pressure whole pitch and defensive always pressure own pitch and long range? can i always use counterattack with defensive mentality and force offside with offensive mentality? and what the hell are that arrows for : D))))))))))
that's what i ask myself.
i've read justdomes guide about it. but i still didn't get it. and i want to understand it and not rely on tables. so i will now number my questions and you may answer one or two of them:
1. what does a arrow mean? (red arrow = players goes forward/ stays forward even if your team has to defend and blue arrow = your player stays behind, even if your team attacks? (that's what i thought).
2. man on man marking: do i have to put my player exactly on the enemys player position?
f.e. example: enemy 3 strikers and i play 3 defenders with 2 wingers. do the wingers mark the outer strikers?
- and what happens if the enemy has 3 strikers (no AMC'S) and i play 5 defenders. what does the 2 defenders do they have no enemy.
3. offensive mentality always = short passes, pressure whole pitch and offside trap?
defensive mentality always = long passes, pressure own half of the pitch and force counterattack?
now the complicated things
4. if i want to play offensive, where should i place my players? try to occupy all enemy defenders / defensive midfielders so my strikers have higher chances to have a situation when they are unmarked? and don't spend time to think about the enemys offensive?
5. if i want to play defensive, try to zonal mark enemys offensive players and midfielders with as many of my own players as possible and than just play long ranged passes?
6. what happens if you play vs an offensive team with your own offensive mentality team?
7. what happens if both teams chose a defensive mentality (i guess it often results in 0-0 goals or will the stronger team pressure more and the weaker team will get it's benefit and can use his "forced counter"- strategy.
8. what happens if you put your formation defensive (5-4-1) and chose mentality offensive. could this be useful in some situations?
9. what happens if you put your formation offensive (3w-0-1-3w-3 just an example, i don't know if that formation is useful at all) and than you put your mentality defensive. could this work sometimes?
10. if i got a realy realy strong team and i am one or even 2 stars ahead. do i have to think about formation or can i just put my players all offensive (3 - 0 - 1 - 3 - 3) pressure the whole pitch and than i should win for sure cause i got the stronger team?
thank you for reading this. maybe you can help me to understand how to put my formation.
best regards.