This season did not win one game either! What could be the problem? What strategy should I use? Level: 10
This season did not win one game either! What could be the problem? What strategy should I use? Level: 10
Last edited by Attlee; 01-18-2015 at 10:26 AM.
Try 442 - why the striker with Free-Kick speciality don´t play? Start the game with Szerelesi stilus hard and no Lescsapda alkalmazasa. Too much red arrows. No arrows in the defense or blue ones, no arrows for striker (never), maybe in the midfield on MR/ML. Sell 2*-players, maybe 3*, too if they´ve bad statistics. This could be the begining of a good future![]()
I'll try! Thank you!![]()
When you want to Keep this Formation, you should set red arrows only on ML/MR and ST (ST because you should Play defensive and force couner attack). when there is an amc on opposites site, you should set blue arrow on the MC in the middle.
Now the Orders:
Own half
No offside
yes force Counter
I would not Play attack, because your Team Need stronger Players for it.
Force Counter and Offside Trap together can not work!
I would Play attack, if i had a strong Team with Players that fill at the minimum3 attacking postions (AML - ST - AMR / ST -ST - ST / AMC - ST - ST / AML - AMC -AMR - ST)
You should note: Defensive mode + Counter attack
Offensive mode + Offside Trap (only when there is no AMC)
I hope i could help you. Good luck
First of all, you are using a Defensive formation 4-5-1 flat. If you want to use that formation, you need to use this strategy I will give you.
Team Mentality: Defensive
Focus Passing: Mixed (if your opponent line-up have 4 wingers DR,DL,MR/AMRand ML/AML and midfielders ) Down Both Flanks(if your opponents have only 2 fullbacks such as DR and DL or if he is using 3 DC's.
Through the middle ( if he has a defensive line of 1 DR,1 DC,1 DL wide set up. and without DMC )
Pressing Style: Own half
Tackling Style: Normal
Passing style: Long
Marking Style: Zonal
Force counterattacks: Yes
Play Offside trap: No
Arrows: No arrows on DR,DC,DC,DL Red Arrow: MR,ML. If your opponent has AMC, change 1 of your MC to DMC, if no DMC, just put Blue arrow on the center MC.
This set up is for Defensive game. It doesn't garantee wins but seeing your current set-ups, I think what i have given you has far more effectiveness on that formation.
thanks! but unfortunately, I can not win! ! : /
Last edited by Attlee; 01-27-2015 at 08:24 PM.
Red FC-Level 24-Season 24
Winners x 17 (2nd x 5 , 3rd x 1)
Winners x 7 (2nd x 2 , 3rd x 4)
Winners x 6 (2nd x 5 , 3rd x 3)
I would definately suggest you to check if you increased the winbonus for your players.
I am in my 10th season now, and won most of them......(I buy scoutplayers, use tokens to increase building speeds, the works) anyways, The few matches that I did lose were directly to be linked with the fact that I had forgotten to adjust the win bonus starting a new season.
For as far I can see, the results of your team varies, on various factors, Offcourse the obvious things, like teamquality, good formations, smart training, analying your opponent and stuff like that. However, win bonus has a huge impact on wether your players, In my case a lot of scout players, and or highly skilled players, or youth players, actually feel motivated to move their butts on the field.
Ive had troll scores, (for which at first I blamed Nordeus for lol) then I realized I hadnt adjusted winbonus , for like 2 seasons allready lol.
These days I just max it out, I realise if I would daily adjust it to depending how strong of a team I am playing I would gain more financial gain, However , at this stage I am doing pretty well financially, without money investment due to prize money, good sales on players (even made huge profit on 1 28 yr old 2 footed striker , which I had bought for 17,5 and sold for 37.)
Maxing out on wnbonus might seem like a lot, but it ensures good results, or prevents bad results , take it how you see fit. As club throughout the season I make about 1/3 of the prize money. However, I get pretty far in the CL and Cup and have only failed once to get the 1st place so far, Ended that season 3........because I had lost for not setting win bonus.
Playing friendlies helped me find this out...
I hope this helps you to start kicking butt and taking names again.......goodluck.
Ow yeah, take my advice alongside with the brilliant remarks mentioned above by other posters.....Some really seem to know their stuff.
Darn, Just realise you are in lvl 10 too.Maybe I should have waited till end of season......wuahahahahahaha