Hey guys been reading the forums a long time now and i thought its time i should make my own post for the experts to read and hand out their advice and the rest of the people to read and learn new stuff. I will be writing down some questions i have had a long time now and really need to hear what u guys think...
First of all im in my 4th season in Top eleven, pretty decent so far, paid some cash to get some tokens as well as i feel its not that bad to support something you enjoy and spend a decent ammount on... In my first 3 seasons i managed to win 3 leagues and get 1 Champions league win and one 2nd place...
However in the cup since second season i have been drafted every single time in a level 22 cup vs opponents i can almost never get through even 1 phase. Instead i got a friend with whom we started same season and he is placed in a cup level identical to his own level which seems really wierd... Have i done something wrong??? anyone got an idea?? At first it was really nice for my budget to get those sweet 3 million but lets face it... This game... its all about the titles!
Ok now involving the Tactics,
I always consisted my team of 5-6 and sometimes 7 star players and ive been quite dominant in most of the leagues ive played so far. My idea of winning leagues is pretty straight forward... Being attacking and playing quite aggressively. Tried many things but its been 1 i have been stack with and seems pretty alright. Wanna hear your ideas as well on it though...
I've been playing 3-5-2
I know it seems quite overattacking but its been offering decent results these 3 years ive been using it. MR and ML have red arrows on them. You think my tactic cant fight vs teams hitting me from the flanks??
What ive been using so far in Instructions is:
Mentality: Normal(Most of the time)-Attacking(Vs very weak opponents)
Focus Passing: Through The middle(i Try mixed- but middle seems to work better on my formation)- any idea why??
Pressing Style: Whole Pitch(always)
Tackling Style: Normal
Passing Style: Short or Mixed(I was using short for more sure passing - no mistakes- counterattacks- but i think ive been missing goals from counterattacks and some long passes...)
Marking:Zonal- whenever i tried Man Marking didnt work for me...
Here are my questions,
1. I've been wondering in terms of defending against opponent AML-AMR- AMC the best way to succeed is use DML-DMR-DMC?? When an opponent plays with 4 in the back (DL-DR- DC-DC) what is the best option to counter him???
How does someone counter ML-MR?? - when is it better to use blue arrows- red arrows on some players in your team??
2. In the team instructions there is the option Focus passing... I've been wondering what is the best thing to do there??? Check where your opponent is weaker and choose on that, or choose the side where you got your best players??
3. Pressing style-Whole pitch in my head works well with offside trap since you are up its easier that they are caught offside... Is that right??? Also i've read that AMC - AML - AMR Is a great way to counter Offside trap and the other way around... Is that true??? Counter Attacking is better suited when u are the weaker side paired with Own half only??
4. Passing Style Short is for when u are better as a side or worse?? We all like Short-sure passing but using it makes u lose potential goals from long ball counterattacks???
5. Marking Style Zonal seems much better in my eyes compared to man marking but i would like to hear your experience on all of that...
6. In Terms of player performance i believe that some players are really bad all the time no matter what increase % they have or what their price is or no matter how much u bench them... While others play unbelievably well even if they are in your team since season 1... Do you agree on that??
7. Special abilities importance?? What is your opinion?? The absolute perfect is that you have almost one of each in your team?? Do you think that some abilities like Defensive wall on Midfielders are ineffectual?? What about Playmaker on DC(DMC)? Also one question i had for a long time... Defensive wall means that he is a very hard player to be passed by for example by a dribble-? or just that when another has a free kick he is better suited to block the shot?? Is it better to have a player in with a special ability but -3 rating overall??? Example better to use 37quality One on One scorer or 40 quality without special ability??
8. What about playing a player slightly out of position?? Taking an MR(6star for example) to play MC vs an MC(5star) which would be better to be used??? I heard that it matters how far his original position is from the one you use him in affects his performance(Better to use AMC as ST if you dont have one - than an MC)
9. Player skill upgrading... I've been upgrading constantly - Defence-Physical on Defenders, Mostly attacking- secondarily Defence on Midfielders, Full attack-Physical on attackers... Whats ur opinion in that??? what is the best in your opinion??
Really interested to have some constructive discussions and help each other improve their game.
Huge thx for anyone willing to participate- the expert ones who will offer advice and the new ones that will reply!
Thanks for your time!!!![]()