I need a counter for 4-5-1 Flat . and orders please . Thanks !
I need a counter for 4-5-1 Flat . and orders please . Thanks !
You should Play the Formation you Play every time. What s your philosophy? attacking or defensive? own half or full pitch? Long or short?
That s what you have to know!! Then you will watch the game and look on the stats. You should only Change the orders, if you dont get any chances or when you dont make pressure on him.
what orders you use for that 3 formation which you play ?
there a many Options you have.
This is 4-4-2:
Normal, mixed Focus, own half, short. no arrows
Normal, mixed Focus, own half, mixed (if u Need + Counter) no arrows
Normal, mixed Focus, own half, Long. red arrows on dl, dr, ml, mr
Normal away, attacking at home is possible, mixed Focus, own half, short or Long + Counter. (if u Need 1 st red, 1 st blue)
normal/ attacking, mixed Focus, full pitch, mixed + Counter. (sometimes u Need dl, dr red and the offsidetrap)
Normal, mixed foucs, own half, Long. red arrows on both st
Normal, both flanks, own half or full pitch, short. ml, mr red, 1 mc blue. (if u Need 1 st red, 1 st blue)
normal or attacking, mixed Focus, full pitch, short. dl, dr red. (if u Need offside trap)
normal, mixed Focus, own half, short. 1 st red
zonal marking every time, because you want to cover all Players!
Normal/ attacking, mixed, full pitch, short, hard, zonal.
a) red arrows on AMl and AMR (sometimes + ST)
b) only red arrow on ST
C) red arrows on DL and DR (sometimes + offside trap)
for 4-2-3-1 there are some more orders. but with These orders i ve won my treble on lvl 30.
4-5-1 V
Normal/ attacking, both flanks, own half, mixed, hard, zonal. <= force Counter is possible
a) red arrows on DL, DR (sometimes + DMC)
b) red arrows on AML, AMR (sometimes + ST)
c) no arrows mixed or Long and force counter
Normal/ attacking, both flanks, full pitch, short/ sometimes mixed, hard, zonal.
a) red arrows on DL, DR (sometimes + DMC) <= offside trap is sometimes possible and if u Need, you can set blue arrow on DMC
b) red arrows on AML, AMR (sometimes + ST)
Thanks man ! 4-2-3-1 mean : DL-DC-DC-DR-MC-MC-AML-AMC-AMR-ST ?
i'm level 30thanks a lot !
Can i beat 3-1-4-2 with 4-2-3-1 ?