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Thread: Counter vs 3W-4-3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Counter vs 3W-4-3

    Hey, I have an important match tomorrow against 3W-4-3. My plan is as follows:
    Low pressing
    Flank passing
    Long passing
    Hard tackling
    Zonal marking
    Force counter attacks

    4-5-1 V style

    Red arrow (arrow pointing up the pitch) on AML and AMR.
    Blue arrow (arrow pointing down the pitch) on DMC.

    Will this work? If not, what will?

  2. #2
    VIP t11_fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Could you post screenshot of your players and opponent's one?

    Hahaha no! 3W43 is one of few formations which works against 4141 which is very similar to 451V, so I'd say no.
    Counter formations table suggests hexagon, but if opponent is stronger than you, then I would suggest butterfly. Also I've some other formations on my mind, but need more info about your and oppo's teams to give more feedback.
    About tactics:
    I would not suggest to force counter attacks because you could get counter-effect (opponent breaks CA and then he starts CA against you)
    Flank passing? Depends of quallity difference between your and oppo's flanks if you have equal number of flanks. I'd suggest mixed because his centre milfield isn't numerous so you don't have to avoid it.
    I'd also suggest normal mentality rather than defensive. You still can use few blue arrows on some positions to give your tactics more def style. I've noticed that defensive mentality gives too much space for opponent to create attacks, gives him better ball possession.
    Whatever you choose, good luck eitherway!
    Last edited by t11_fan; 10-15-2015 at 10:45 PM.
    Ex top eleven player