Hi Guys, new to the game, playing for aprox. 10 days, currently on level 2
9 points after 3 matches in league, playing tomorrow vs the strongest team among the 14, 9 points as well
He plays 4-3N-3 and he has a stronger team:
team value: - 9.4m vs 12.6m
av. quality: 19 vs 23 stars
defense 24.3 vs 27.3
midfield: 21.9 vs 26.7
attack: 20.7 vs 20
i am playing an away match vs him tomorrow and i was wondering if some more experienced players could advise me what
formation should i use + orders against a team like this
browsing through the forum some people consider 4-1-4-1 as the best formation against a 4-3-3.
is this the only option?
is it a problem if i try the 4-1-4-1 without an MR player in my team?
any help will be much appreciated