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  1. #1
    Newbie Danieal's Avatar
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    Urgent Question

    I'm having a final in Champions League... And he's using diamond narrow with 4 DEFs and 2 STs.... So I looked up for counter formations and then I downloaded this app called Top Eleven-Experiences.... It said that we should only choose the 2 fortest formations.... Is it true? Because I've chosen the 2 best formation for my team... which is 4-4-1-1 and 4-3(ML-MC-ML)-2(AMC)-1...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I'm not sure what 2 fortest formations means?

    If you're looking for a counter to the narrow diamond, the 3n-5-2V/3n-1-4-2 are probably the strongest counters. 4-5-1V/4-1-4-1 are decent choices too. I'd be a little weary with the 4-4-1-1 and 4-3w-2n-1 against it since neither is real strong defensively in the central midfield, and the diamond user will be focusing all his efforts there.
    Level 40 Manager

  3. #3
    Newbie Danieal's Avatar
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    I think it is the best 2 formations we tested with our team and it work well.... Nvm just ignore it.

    Tq for the formations... The app recommended those formations too. Just I wanted to ask, what does "w" and "n" means?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danieal View Post
    I think it is the best 2 formations we tested with our team and it work well.... Nvm just ignore it.

    Tq for the formations... The app recommended those formations too. Just I wanted to ask, what does "w" and "n" means?

    If he is using narrow formations, attack the wings - long balls if he has packed the middle. I'd look at your tactics more than your formations, arrows, and how you attack and defend.

  5. #5
    Newbie Danieal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Nifield View Post
    If he is using narrow formations, attack the wings - long balls if he has packed the middle. I'd look at your tactics more than your formations, arrows, and how you attack and defend.
    His team is overall better than me... His ATT,MID, & DEF is scout lvl and mine is 5 stars only. I think I should avoid long balls and put it mixed?
    Last edited by Danieal; 04-29-2016 at 08:55 AM.

  6. #6
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    I hate to play against Narrow Diamond - and I have worse experience to counter it with 4-5-1V, especially if the opponent is equal or stronger. I used 3-5-2V successfully.
    But I think it depends on your team and tactic you (and your opponent choose).

  7. #7
    Newbie Danieal's Avatar
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    Yay I won! haha... 😁I used 3n-1-4-1-1. I couldn't use AMR/AML bcuz I do not have any player with those positions. Plus, my AMC has a terrific record with the most Goals, Assists, and MOMs, (and he is the captain too!) which means that putting him is a must. Playing 2 strikers usually is a waste bcuz usually 1 will perform & the other does not have any function. Just need a goal from my ML and have a slight win 1-0. He got MOM and he is only 4 stars. I got 55% , he got 45% possesion. My tactic:
    -Normal mentality
    -Passing down both flanks
    -Short passes
    -Counterattack off
    -Pressing style low
    -Marking style zonal
    -Offside trap off
    (Up) - ML, MR and AMC
    (Down) - DMC
    And every time I got a chance, I play condition bonus.

    I thought that I would be 'dead' before the match even started because I forgot to rest my players... most of them are only 70%+ conditions... And I have about 44 green packs hahaha...

    With this I hold my first Champions League title after I won it in level 2 back in the 2nd season. Now I am level 11 in season 18th and I'll be leveling up, (currently 3rd in the league with 4 points behind the 1st place and 1 point behind the runner up). Thank you for helping me all. 👌
    Last edited by Danieal; 04-29-2016 at 08:56 AM.
    Darren Power likes this.

  8. #8
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    So the ML down the flank got you the win? Guess tactics do mean something in TE, despite what some say haha.
    nikolgiorgos and Darren Power like this.

  9. #9
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Nifield View Post
    So the ML down the flank got you the win? Guess tactics do mean something in TE, despite what some say haha.
    Andrew, the clock is ticking and your time is gonna come hahaha
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  10. #10
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Nifield View Post
    So the ML down the flank got you the win? Guess tactics do mean something in TE, despite what some say haha.
    It appears to work, but only when the game wants to make you think it works. You see what I mean?
    As a tactical manager, I can tell you that I have won a lot mainly due to superior tactics and/or quality, but in some cases, there seems to be something else involved that is significant. In some cases, despite superior quality and tactics, you will still lose or have a bad result. The concern is when this happens in important matches.
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