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Thread: Best order and arrows for 4-1-4-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Best order and arrows for 4-1-4-1

    Can someone help me with the best order and arrows for 4-1-4-1 or any other better formation Thanks

    Best order and arrows for 4-1-4-1-top.jpgBest order and arrows for 4-1-4-1-top.jpg
    Last edited by Snowboy4k; 02-15-2017 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Dreamer Buster Keaton's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    every things is oke exept

    change long for mixed passing

    and dont use blue arrows on your dc because you play already a defensive play so no need for the blue

    only set a blue arrow on a postion (player) when he cant handle his position (if he not fast enough as example)

    but you see this when look at the match

    i always examine the opponent players and compare them with my own (example if i need more control in the midfield i set sometimes a blue)

    or if my dm is to slow against am opponent (but then you must compare you players with the opponnent)

    This way i play mostly (setting up my counter formation and compare the players)

    and i should hard-tackling only against a strong opponent

    and i like this thread:

    combination of 4-5-1 v/4-1-4-4/4-3n-2w-1 with the orders and how to play

    i use this sometimes a a guide with my own little tweaks
    Last edited by Buster Keaton; 02-15-2017 at 01:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Antonio Gustavo Hernandez
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowboy4k View Post
    Can someone help me with the best order and arrows for 4-1-4-1 or any other better formation Thanks

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	top.jpg 
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ID:	77599Click image for larger version. 

Name:	top.jpg 
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ID:	77600
    Depends on the formation of your opposition. If s/he play with offensive like and middle focused formations such as 4-3N-3, 4-2N-1-3, 4-3N-1-2, down arrows on your DC and DMC up arrows on your wingers, do not usually use counter attacks with this formation it does not work as much as it works on a similar formation 4-5-1 V. Other orders are fine and you may use short passes with these. Against the ND by the way, up arrows on only wingers Others are same except team mentality and counter attacks; normal and off. The other ones I have not mentioned depend on the results during the match. Anyway, this formation works a treat against middle focused and offensive like formations yet it is does not work perfectly against other formations.