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Thread: Counter attack my opponent. Some tips from experienced players please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Counter attack my opponent. Some tips from experienced players please.

    Hello everyone, I really appreciate for visiting my post.
    I have a major game tomorrow, the oppent who plays against me,
    is in the first place in my league, I go right after him on the second place,
    short by only 3 points. I am going to play my second game with him tomorrow.
    My first game ended up a lose at home stadium 2-3. I used 4-1-4-1 tactic.
    He has unbeaten record from the begging of the season.
    We are basically have the same quality of players mine is 110% and his 116-117%.
    He has 2-3 of 7 stars players more.
    Looks like this:

    DL DC DR

    ST ST

    The weirdest formation I've ever seen. I was planning picking 4-1-3n-2
    And attack through the middle with high pressing, and short passes.
    Because what I notice is that my last game with him, his shots were less
    17-10 and possession of the ball wasn't high either. Basically 50-50.
    I have guess maybe he plays on counter attack with defence mentality?
    Also, I don't have good AML's AND AMR's. But have good ML with MR.
    Two mc's with a good statistics of defense.
    What I noticed, he played a one game with someone from my league with a draw
    0-0 and the guy used the same tactic which I used agaist him in the first game.
    4-1-4-1. However, I'm not sure with which should I go. I would love to have a good
    Advice from anyone who maybe have idea how to counter this guy.
    Thanks in advace to everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Novi Sad Serbia
    He is attacking with 5 players and he is dangerous from flanks and center so playing with 4 in defense and DMC is must do for you.He has no MC's so he certainly plays with long ball passes and if you win a bettle in midfield you should have chance to win so put MC and you can play with 2AMC's if they are equal or better than his DMC's and of course with 2ST because he is playing with one CB.I would play with normal mentality combine passes attacking thru middle.If you don't have 2AMC's play with 3 MC's and dominate in middle because this is the only weakness of this formation and of course with 2ST because he has 1 CB.Try to play same orders like below and maybe switch to long ball passing if he score a goal first.He is definitey playing with long passes normal or defensive mentality so do not play high pressure in first half and if you are not lousing .If you are lousing play last 30 minutes with high press combinated with condition bonus and hard tackle.GOOD LUCK MAN
    Maybetomorrow and woopypooky like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Really appreciate for commenting!
    So I guess I will go with one DMC and 3 MC's with 2ST. But what do you think about the arrows?
    Should I put down arrow for DMC, and the up arrow for MC - one that in the middle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Good Morning

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Novi Sad Serbia
    I usually don't start match with arrows (only for the AML/R or AMC) because putting an arow on player make him lose condition a lot faster than withaut arrow.Let the match starts and when the first 20 minutes past you will see grades of his AML/R and AMC and also the grades of your MC's then putt the down arrow on your DL/R if his wings destroyes your backs or on DMC if his AMC has high grade.IF you had MC that is realy good on offence and not so good in defence put an up arrow on him or if you have two MC's like that put two up arrows basically it depends on quality of your MC's because they will not be guarded and you could put two down arrows on them if you are winning or three up arrows if you are losing but start without arrows that is my advice.You should see which of his strikers are better if the left is better you putt your better CB on right side and that is all i have to say.I hope i helped you.The outcome of the match depends on your opponents moves during the game and how you apply to them. REMEMBER that.
    Last edited by Bog Igre; 03-01-2017 at 07:56 AM.
    Maybetomorrow likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Good idea

    Sent from my HTC Desire 526G dual sim using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    People are emotional and due to their position at the table or their earlier losses pose them to all attack

    Sent from my HTC Desire 526G dual sim using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Novi Sad Serbia
    Last edited by Bog Igre; 03-01-2017 at 08:57 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Thank you mate. The game will be tomorrow, I will listen your advice and see how it will go. Really appreciate your help. Cheers.

  10. #10
    Apprentice Matteo de Clemente's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Hi, I recently had a similar opponent, but instead of amc he used an mc, and gave me same problems as to you,by playing defensive and long pass.

    I defeated him definitely with 4-3-3.

    In your situation ,you have to care his amc , so you should try 4-1-2-3,defensive,target central ,short pass, red arrows for dr,dl, 2 mc and st ,except the central st

    Counter attack my opponent. Some tips from experienced players please.-capture-_2017-03-02-11-24-13.jpg
    Last edited by Matteo de Clemente; 03-02-2017 at 10:28 AM.

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