I need to win a match(not draw. His 2points above me. Am 2nd his 1st) in a few hours time. His formation is 4-1-1-2n-2. Can anyone help me with a good counter formation, I plan on using 4-5-1v(orders: defensive, down both flanks, passing long, counter attack No, pressing LOW, tackles Hard, offside No). Down arrow on the DM, up arrow on the DL and DR, down arrow on the DC's, up arrow on the AML(rating 95 with 2goals and 3assists) and AMR(102 with 10goals and 3assists). So does anyone have a better suggestion that will be effective to stop his two AMC's from scoring.. My average rating is 111(with the team I selected, its 112 if I use my default formation 4-4-2c), his is 120(I think total is 122). Please Helps guys. Thanks in anticipation.