Today i play semi final of champions league against a weaker team of 5 points average. I play away from home.
I planned to play 4-1-2-1-2 (narrow diamond), because this was the best counter formation i had against his previous formation.
This morning i checked and he changed his formation to 3W-2(DMC)-3W-2 No AMC
It's a very defensive formation and a lot of players on his own half of the field
How can i counter this formation? i checked the counter formation thread, but against this formation, there is no recommendation so i'm asking for some help
Can you give me advice on which formation i should use, and if i should attack from flanks or middle or mixed?
short passing, long passing or mixed ? counter attack or offside trap ? pressure on whole pitch or own half ?
I uploaded a file with his line up and i uploaded mine so you could see the squad i have and which are my best players
Thanks for the help