4-5-1 v,,
Sorry, but what does the "v,," mean? I guess I'm not that much into the lingo. :-)
EDIT: And what about the mentality of my team? Should I be defensive, normal, attacking or?
V is for Vagina!
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
Well... That's funny!
Thanks, Fazil.
I'll let you know how it went down.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
I don't hate any tactic, but 4-5-1 V is hard to operate. It looks like 4-3-3 as in 2 wing ST or inside forward but it's not. Nordeous made what seems to be an attacking formation into a defensive counter attack formation.
Look at the situation! The opponent plays 4-1-2-3 right? You going to the wings because you want to avoid his DMC? Then why you have a DMC? He has 2 ST, you use 2DC while using 1ST against his 2DC? Why is 4=5=1 V effective here? In HIS situation his formation is good enough of the moment, he's using 4-5-1, I advise him to get rid of 2 fullbacks, use 3DC, put more on attack. He can also use 3-1-4-1-1 with short passing, total control of midfield. The wingers should stay where they are, don't push them up.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis