How to beat this Formation ? [3-1-3-2-1]
3 DC, 1 DMC, 3 MC, 2 AM(L+R), 1 ST
Some ideas ?
my suggestion is ----> 3 dc 1 dml 1 dmr 3 mc 1 am 1 st!
if u try it tell me the result plz!
so what now ? did it work ? ı have the same formation against me and ı tend to use the same against him for my team ıs better qıalıty... thats an away match for me... but ı may try thıs one out ıf thıngs dont work...
so ı played the same system agaınst hım but ıt dıdnt work tıll the 70th mın... he had one ınjured player as well... then ı changed to 3N-1-4-2 and scored one goal and domınated the last 20 mın... so 3n-1-4-2 could be a solutıon for that...
Last edited by A Samet FC; 04-10-2013 at 05:02 PM.
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