I think:
lol, my first game of the day is also against this formation:
The game is in 1:30h, so i will post my result here, hope it helps
btw. im going with this formation:
Attacking, middle, own half
3-2-2-2-1 butterfly... plying both flanks
Mad that you got that result with a redundant DMC :P , you should have used the dmc as a second amc, it would counter that formation better, regardless of the 8-0. Now being a dick btw, I just know how to counter everything to be honest, unbeaten in everything this season so far
. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...63893314_n.jpg
as you can see a lot of my irl friends in my league lol
3w-3n-2n-2 would be the best counter for 4-3-2w-1 if you wanted to play narrow, if you want to play wide as nel said the butterfly.
Last edited by mrcjevans; 04-21-2013 at 06:06 PM.
I will suggest to use :
Red arrows on DR and DL.
Normal,Through the middle,own half,zonal,no counter attack,no offside..
These "friends" wouldn't happen to be friends so you can damage their fitness with your reserves in a friendly before they play a league game, would they?
Ifso, that's really low man. You wouldn't catch Chelsea's reserves running around tiring out City's first team before they play the first team.
If not, I apologise xD