The formation that i use is difficult to describe. In pure numbers it would be 3-3-2-1-1. This means 3 DC's (with blue arrows so they move back). A DML, DMC and DMR which of the 3 DML and DMR have red arrows (which i think is absolutely essential since they are the only ones covering both sides with no help, so they have to attack and help out at front). 2 MC's usually one with a red arrow and the other one nothing (except if i'm playing with a stronger opponent and need some help i defence so the other MC gets blue arrow. One AMC with red arrow and speciality (hidden striker? I am from Greece and i do not know the exact translation. But it is a talent that only an AMC has) and one ST.

I have mixed emotions about this tactic. It almost looks like a X-Mas tree tactic, but i am talking to all you Top Eleven Guru's out there, is it any good?

Thanks much in advance