What would be the best formation to counter this, playing away?
Thinking of a 3w-2-2-2w-1 Att/Wpitch/Mixed passing style....not sure if the flanks or middle is the best way to focus.
Any ideas?
What would be the best formation to counter this, playing away?
Thinking of a 3w-2-2-2w-1 Att/Wpitch/Mixed passing style....not sure if the flanks or middle is the best way to focus.
Any ideas?
I play 3N-1-4-2 attack,flanks,short pass,normal tacle ,zon, red arrow on your MR/ML.
Thank you MK61, that formation worked, i just had to tweak the tactics a bit during the match.
Here is another one for you...playing against this tomorrow 4-1-3-1-1 but with 2MC and a ML.
I can tell you a 4-4-2 has beaten it a couple of time but he beat that formation too...so any thoughts?
Last edited by Slizardo; 04-30-2013 at 08:37 PM.
today played away against 4-1-3w-2. first half used 4141 defensive, flangs. it was 0:2 for me. 2nd half changed to 451v, in 2 min the score was 2:2. after this, I changed back to 4141. finished 2:2.
the best for me is 3n-1 dmc-2 mc's-aml,amr-2 st's (3n-5-2 V) blue arrows 3 dc's and red arrows dmc,aml,amr, 2 st's
normal,flanks,own half,normal tacklin,mixed passes,zone,counter attack yes,offside trap no.......try this and tell me![]()
I'm using 4-4-2 classic if im better if not then 4-5-1 v style
Last edited by jacks; 09-02-2014 at 10:32 AM.
Thanks MK61 worked for me to. Orders were Normal, Down the flanks, Own half, Counter-ON. Red arros on MR/ML blue on DMC/DL/DC/DR
I changed mentality to attcking at 60 minutes. He beaat me 3:2 the last match when I used ND against the same formation. So this time I needed to get a big score.our teams are almost equal except mine's younger.
Good luck to everyone out there, hope this helps.