guys , here i am standing before a very important game
this match will effect me in the end.
i am playing my big rival , have a look please.
this is me:
in short i wiil say , we both got the same skills ,54.7 , he got really good defenders...he's scoring table is: 95 - 7 +88
mine is : 106 - 14 +92
and i actually beat hem in the first match between us when i was playin home , he played:
-------st---(a bet on the right)
i played 4-3-2-1
and i won 1-0 at home
now it is for him so important to win
i think he will play now 4-1-2-1-2 (narrow diamond) reguallry he played this formation.
what to do with this guy?
i need a draw actually...i play now away...
Thanks in advance
i am thinking to go with this formation: