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I think the thread is misplaced, should go in tactics. However with no additional information I would play 3w-1-4-2 with back arrows on all three defenders and forward arrow on one MC, ideally one who is MC/AMC. I would play defensive, low press, counters on, yes offside, mixed passing, mixed focus, zonal.
It also depends on the quality of his striker (which we don't see) compared to the quality of your main DC, you should judge whether a 3w defense can hold. Otherwise I woud say 4-1-3W-2 same orders as above. I think for defending you need both DL/R and ML/R.
For an all-out attacking game where result is crucial and I don't care about spending condition I would perhaps use 3w-1-2-3-1 pressing high, attacking, yes offside, mixed, short pass, no counters. Here the game is who scores one goal more.
However since you have played against him twice you should have a feeling of his tactics, which should help you. Did he score most of his goals in counter attacks? Did you often end up in offside? Countering formation is important, but countering orders is perhaps more important.