Hello, i'm at level 4. At level 2 i won the league won all matches except last twos. At level 3 i was leading the table but i start loosing 3 o 4 matches in a row.
Now, being level 4 i cant win and I changed players, formations and tactics.
Can anyone help me to choose differents formations?
The following formations didn't end up well:
3DC + 1DMC + 2MC + AML - AMR + 2 ST
DL-DC-DR + 2DMC + ML - MC - MR + AMC + ST
DL-DC-DR + 2DMC + ML - MC - MR + 2 ST
DL-DC-DR + 2DMC + ML - MR + AMC + 2ST
3DC + DMC + 3MC+ AML - AMR + ST
now i'm using the following: