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Thread: critical match against 4-3-1-2

  1. #1
    Newbie giomanda's Avatar
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    critical match against 4-3-1-2


    I am playing a very important game for my league against an opponent that plays 4-3-1-2:

    ------------------AMC ---------------

    I was thinking to play 4-5-2 wide attacking the flanks:


    With red arrows on AML, AMR and one of the MC.
    with blue arrow on my dmc.

    Any suggestions thoughts?

    Last edited by giomanda; 05-30-2013 at 09:04 AM.

  2. #2
    sdw is offline
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    Pleven, Bulgaria, Bulgaria
    Quote Originally Posted by giomanda View Post

    I am playing a very important game for my league against an opponent that plays 4-3-1-2:

    ------------------AMC ---------------

    I was thinking to play 4-5-2 wide attacking the flanks:


    With red arrows on AML, AMR and one of the MC.
    with blue arrow on my dmc.

    Any suggestions thoughts?

    Add red arrows on your DL/DR.It depends what mentality you play,but if you play attacking,use red arrows on botch MC's and AML/AMR and dont use any arrow on your DMC.My favourite formation is 4-5-1 V style and I tried different arrows and mentalities in the past.The most effective is that... But Im not sure 4-5-1 will you help against 4-1-3-2. You can try 4-4-1-1 or 3-3-2-1-1

  3. #3
    Newbie giomanda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdw View Post
    Add red arrows on your DL/DR.It depends what mentality you play,but if you play attacking,use red arrows on botch MC's and AML/AMR and dont use any arrow on your DMC.My favourite formation is 4-5-1 V style and I tried different arrows and mentalities in the past.The most effective is that... But Im not sure 4-5-1 will you help against 4-1-3-2. You can try 4-4-1-1 or 3-3-2-1-1
    I was thinking that if i place a blue arrow on my DMC it would defend opponents AMC.

    I was also thinking that if i place no red arrows on my DL and DR it would provably defend his ML and MR.

    As for the center i have superiority against his 1 single mc. So i will use 1 mc to hold the middle and one to push further atttacks.

    If i am thinking completely wrong please let me know so i can revise.
    You only get smarter by playing against a smarter opponent ....


  4. #4
    sdw is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by giomanda View Post
    I was thinking that if i place a blue arrow on my DMC it would defend opponents AMC.

    I was also thinking that if i place no red arrows on my DL and DR it would provably defend his ML and MR.

    As for the center i have superiority against his 1 single mc. So i will use 1 mc to hold the middle and one to push further atttacks.

    If i am thinking completely wrong please let me know so i can revise.
    About DL and DR I disagree.If he has AML and AMR I will agree.But if he has ML and MR you must have red arrows on your DL and DR to press him earlier.It's not only logic,this game is made like that.