God Bless!
Trinity FC, Level 17
- Malaysian team
- Never bought tokens
Champions (10) - Seasons 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15
Runners up (5) - Seasons 3, 5, 9, 14, 16
Third place (1) - Season 13
Champions League
Champions (2) - Seasons 6, 12
Runners up (1) - Season 3
Third place (4) - Seasons 5, 13, 14, 15
Best placing: Quarter-Finals/Last 8
- Season 16, Level 16, Level 23 Cup
Felipe Melo, Hamit Altıntop, Drogba, Emmanuel Eboué, Tomáš Ujfaluši, Sneijder and other good players, but still Real is better then them and they start with first chance.
ok if you think we don't need an Europa League I think it will be very interesting![]()
that referee at Byern-Juve was baaaaaad
so much fouls from Chiellini and Vidal he didnt see, the missed red one for Ribery, the two yellows for diving? lol. Offside before the 2-0 (ok, this is not his fault but the linesman) also missed.
but at least the result wasnt influenced, so no real harm done i guess
I bet on this two games - exact result:
Bayern M. - Juventus
2 : 0 ✓
PSG - Barcelona
1 : 2 ✓ [until 94min,and then 2:2] faaaaaaaaaak
and the first goal was a clear offside, so it should be 1-2 u are right!^^
They cost me a lot...whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
hey guys this is my very very first post and ı would lıke to hail all you top11 players from turkey... ım a galatsaray fan and cant waıt tonıghts match agaınst real... hope we wıll do better tonıght than the fırst match... ı know we have a very slight chance but as we turks say hope is the poor man's bread... one simply can not do without it. my team A Samet FC and ı are doing ok so far... and ım sure thıs forum wil help ( if not already) me be a better manager in the game...
by the way ıf we have any manu fans here... ı really would love if we had you agaınst us ın the quarter fınals guys... cuneyt cakır beııng a turkısh referee ( and ı support hım even ıf he ıs a lıttle bıt harsh ın hıs decısıons agaınst gala just lıke thouse agaınst you) ı feel a lıttle bıt responsıble for your absence here... but anywayys maybe next year eh ?![]()
hope we all enjoy the game tonight and on top11 and make the best of it...
Last edited by A Samet FC; 04-09-2013 at 11:23 AM.