What happened to Beto? Why was he crying after getting subbed off?? :eek:
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What happened to Beto? Why was he crying after getting subbed off?? :eek:
Maybe that's why, he didn't want, its a dream playing worldcup maybe sad, that's why
I think it was the injury, but what a performance, don't they have any medical facilities in Portugal to bring healthy player next time, way too many injuries cause player not well, it's coach mistake...
Dont nominate these guys...
Yea, but honestly i actually expected more from these guys, i mean greece, Nigeria, probably Algeria are much weaker, and i think these injuries not normal, i would throw the coach, he can't take care of a good training i think nor bringing in some good medics, but ronaldo as well just one goal, very poor they better would have let pass Sweden, ibra sure would have scored more haha
Yes that´s right, but that´s all too^^
I won´t kidding you but please use the "edit-function" :P
All in all it was a good game, Germany still doesn´t show what they can. Bad defense and mediocre midfield. The United States has kept well against, were however inferior to the end.
Haha sure. Well there is no need to show what we able to play, yet everything is ok, and wont be much stronger with rusia o Algeria. Against ghana was not that excellent, but that's our history, eversince 1990 wc we didn't win any second game in a group so its ok, today's game not much to talk about, weird pitch, but there was nothing dangerous from the states that we needed to react. Algeria vs rusia much better game haha
The Best game of Portugal, but still not at there Best, i cant understand so many injurys, it is impossible being only bad luck.
At least 21 players have there chance to play!
Other thing is that our ST Eder is still to green to play in this competitions.
Bring on Algeria. Nice, and Russia is hosting next worldcup, they really need the 4 years for something to build, i suggest they start with a real football team
On to the round of 16!
Today we have 2 interesting games.
I think Brasil Will win Chile, but i dont think it Will be a easy task.
Colombia is playing well, so i think they Will probably win against Uruguai, but again i expect a balanced match.
Portugal, England, Italy, Spain all are home + Suarez :))
Yes, I think it would be the best opponent for Germany. Belgium would be heavier.
Columbia doesn´t win against Uruguay, I can´t believe that. But if we think of that Suarez is missing it will be a very heavy game for Uruguay.
Colombia looks absolutely good, for me a possible semi finalist, i see them stronger than brasil, but i said already Chile beats brasil haha, and belgium, don't know what to say, they are a good team, but haven't convinced me yet either, vs Algeria n Russia very lucky with late goals, its really interesting to see what's next :)
Well, at least Vertonghen's aim must be convincing. Look who he hit by "missing" that free kick: https://vine.co/v/Mt0ni7llBXx
U should know germany haha, we never played well in any championship only the euro 1980,we not famous for playing well, others can do it, brasil, so spain Netherlands, but we like Italy we come through the fights n so, that's what we stand for, never give up, bring the game somehow home, nd that brought us 7 finals and 3titles,its not who plays the nicest, honestly i dont expect us playing outstanding but we go through n through as always and the nice player like Netherlands how many titles have? So, don't expect us playing actually football haha
I think, rather unfortunately, you have a reputation for being our nemesis, more than anything. Fairly, I think as there were several penalty shootout deciders that we lost to you and that Frank Lampard goal that the ref didn't see because he had "selective sight" like some people have "selective hearing".
Yes, that was the revenge for 1966,but yea penalties with u guys o like 2002 our way to final over Korea usa n belgium, easy way, and yea we always manage reach semis o more without impressing someone by playing. Now first time in years we have a squad could play well but i miss guys we had before, leader who go down where it hurts, dirt bags n so, they too boygroup like now, not as it should be, but still see us passing Algeria n then probably france, its not impossible once again go semis at least
Against France you'd probably lose, 'cause they have a great offense and in addition to that a pretty solid defence as well (compared with your defence that seemed quite vulnerable in the last 3 matches)..
Of course you're always good for a surprise but I think it's not the time for you Germans to win the WC yet...
More possibly in 4 years :-)
Imo the current squad of england is one of the best they ever had but somehow they didn't manage to convince me in those 3 matches...
I'm quite disappointed... I suspected much more ;)
Cea mai mare sansa o are clar echipa gazda, insa are concurenta serioasa din partea olandei
Eu imi doresc sa castige Belgia
questionable handball on Hulk, but seeing as I want Chile to win, no complaints here
What a pity, if chile nails the shot after 120min instead of hitting the crossbar they would have won. This brasil doesn't scare anyone
Chile were so unlucky there! Well played by both teams. Kind of wanted Brazil to win though, as it is a home World Cup for them it would be disappointing to see them go out before the quarters!
wow... what a start of top 16... First the crossbar then the post... Guess the holy spirits of Mineirao stadium helped Brazil survive that.
That is the definition of a game of inches! That has to hurt for Chile, really hoping they would upset Brazil