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Thread: ok, now I'm inspirated so another 2 suggestions

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    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    ok, now I'm inspirated so another 2 suggestions


    why don't do this game a little more professional and nearby and... at the end of the season, we, the players, recibe in our email, a diploma, or degree as a champions of the league, cup or champions league?
    I think that will be exciting to print a souvenir, or a "token" of a good season in this game... sure lots of players will frame it .........(^-^)

    as you know when a match starts, the captains exchanged some flags, right? at now in the game we collect flags of countries... but... why don't collect, a flag of the team we play agains? maybe that's more real....

    maybe the 2nd idea is not a big thing, but about the 1st is interesting to discuss.

    (^-^) good night.

    (too ... at the end is boring be a month... and a month... and another month winning... winning... and you win more and you are bored cos you maybe pay and don't recibe anything of an excellent season... and there are levels and levels... that's a game that you can play during years, and at the end is something repetitive, at now I'm level 7... and I thing people have to win something as memorie, as souvenir, like I said... If I recibe a degree, a diploma, I will frame it and every morning I will wake up, I will see it and will play to win more (^.^) and have hundreds of this)
    Last edited by khris; 07-04-2013 at 01:00 AM.