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  • 2 Post By Martin Smith
  • 1 Post By Football Fridays

Thread: In game message system

  1. #1
    Newbie Martin Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013

    In game message system

    i know briefly suggested this a while ago but believe this game would def benefit from a in game message system! the last game i played quite heavily had a message system and really enhanced it and made a lot friends via it! i know somebody said having a message system may encourage people to use hacks but i haven't got a about hacks some hope the devs would make it that unable to do! like all message system they may get abused people may use it to abuse other players, but players should be dealt with if they use it with in that manner, football is all about banter and i would enjoy a bit of that between myself and my fellow managers and congratulate them on good result if they beat me!

    come devs give this a good thought
    Football Fridays and Tauros like this.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    good idea!

    League message bored just add another tab to the league standing page where you can leave a message.
    can do the above idea for cup and CL

    Also a way for supports and managers to chat during a game would be nice!

    or even if its a simple as adding a mail box where you click on someone in your league cup or CL and send them a message
    Martin Smith likes this.

  3. #3
    Newbie Martin Smith's Avatar
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    May 2013
    glad somebody so far this is a good idea!! i would like to chat to other managers apart from in the forum! come across a few more active managers as so far i have only played 1 match while another manager was watchin at the same time!!
    Cunning STunts
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