Hi Nordeus and Managers,

It seems there is one inaccuracy in TOP 11.

To understand :

1- Every 15 skill points... Average, strenght as footballer, sometime stars, ... and also the market value of the player grow up.

2- Skill points serve special abilities too, and Top 11 ensures this directly impacts the strenght despite no moving on the average.

But If you check - I did twice - when you spend 40 (2.6 X 15 S.P.) or 50 (3.3 X 15 S.P.) Skill Points for special abilities, the Market Value doesn't grow-up in the same time !!!

And I was sure the Market Value represented the QUALITY of the PLAYER ! Is Special Ability less representative than the average ?

My proposal :

When special ability is added definitively to a player, it would be normal to quote this player as he improves himself 3 times, so do the Market Value. (e.g. 3 X 15 S.P. = progression as 3 X the level of average into the Market Value of this player).

Do you agree ?

Regards - Eric