Great game!
Congratulations on the 10+ million fans. If half on them are spending 2$ a month on tokens, you guys should be making a hell of a (well deserved return). I have a couple of suggestions though.
1- You should reward winners with tokens too. This will help managers buy higher level players (especially that player level drops when team is upgraded to a new level..there goes your tokens!!). Reward with an amount sufficient to buy 1 or two scout level players at least.
2- Managers should be notified (on phone apps) with incoming mails, especially the ones including a friendly game. Some managers from a different time zone arrange friendlies that you would not know of unless you log on. So, you wake up in he morning and discover that your players are tired cause they were involved in a friendly that you know nothing about (cause you didn't log on) while you have a league or cup game lined up shortly.
3- I know that game fixtures are a way of forcing managers to spend tokens on rescheduling to a more convenient time, but 2 games in 15 minutes!!!! That doesn't make any sense. Come on!!
4-Also,managers with players achieving season's league bests ( best scorer, top rated...etc) should be rewarded. Think about it.