Winning tokens through surveys is always a pleasure for those who can, but it comes to a point in Top Eleven when you're alright on tokens, but you've got an unsatisfactory amount of money. Take me, for instance. Attractive 4*-5* players on market atm: I've been following the market for about 15mins, and it seems pretty quiet. I've 2 tokens to spend (on this server, trust me, two tokens is sufficient, especially now, at this time.), but I can't buy anyone, aside from 3* 30yos GKs, because I have no money.
Everyone comes to this point sooner or later in the season. What I'd like to see is, under the "Win Tokens" tab, with all of the Matomy/SponsorPay companies offering cash, as well as tokens. Instead of seeing "+2T when you take this 10min survey!", how about "+$128K when you take this 10min survey!".
"But, Stafford, you can already convert tokens to money, 25T = $1.6M!". Yes, yes you can, but if you did the maths, which I didn't expect you to, 25T is $.6M, so 2T is $128K. It only makes sense, and allows people to have smaller cash much more frequently, instead of huge piles of cash once or twice per season.