Cant understand that..I play a game today morning and tommorow i ll play 2 matches in the space of 30 minutes!!I know you must take tokens from us but you can fix that bug.I think a lot of guys have same problem too!!
Cant understand that..I play a game today morning and tommorow i ll play 2 matches in the space of 30 minutes!!I know you must take tokens from us but you can fix that bug.I think a lot of guys have same problem too!!
I once had a match, I watched it and after the match I trained my players they were all tired below 50% not realising that the next match was a cup match 5 minutes later.I had to quickly try to fix their conditions.
All Stars FC
Level 20
Tom, that was really your own fault for not realising the match was 5 minutes later, it's shown right on top there.
Sometimes I have a problem, but only if both teams are relatively strong.
Had two games yesterday 15min apart, by the time the game engine gave me back control of my squad it was under 3min to KO, to late to rotate my squad. These people will try anything to injure or mess up your plans in a bid to get you to use tokens or treatment packs. W----ers!
There is nothing worse than when your team has to play a "double header" I have had instances where I had 2 games with 15 mins of each other before, not great when you want to swap your team around and use moral,rest boosters...
I think there should be a period of 1 hour minimum between the 2 games that are held on the same day. Managers need to make decisions.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
Accyrover was left with 2 minutes, maybe a valid point, but I will explain my own experiences later.
Tom said he trained them to below 50% before realising he had a Cup match 5 minutes later, which gave him 2 minutes to make all the changes, more if he had not done all the training. You can't say that's not his fault.
And Tom, how did you get them to below 50% if some of your subs started the training session at 99%? Even at the hardest level and with all three trainings, they'll only lose something like 40%.
Personally, matches take about 8 minutes, giving me 4 minutes to set what I need to, plenty of time for me if I'm on a computer.
it not and will never be a bug cus they do it to make us spend token on the rest pack,the same go 4 the stupid injury rate
I just quickly rotate the squad straight after the match, no biggie.
Wow - well if this was being discussed over a year ago and has still not been fixed then Nordeus must be keeping this on purpose obviously a ploy to use up health packs and/or tokens through rearranging match times. Quite sickening really! - I'm actually wondering what the point is of a suggestion thread at all?