But at your level and a few levels below mine, you are getting what you pay for. That's the point. You won't experience the wage imbalance until you hit the Market Value capping.

Your players MV will rise with Q as will their wages and bonus - they are fairly well balanced with relative increases.
At Gert's level (and mine to a very small extent) the MV hardly moves and the sign-on fee is relatively static but the wage increases. Costs a lot to renew but so does replacing. It does give you the choice of selling or renewing (a player who's performance is known) - management choice.
If you compare the cost of replacing an equivalent player or renewing at your level then its not punitive. At Gert's its a big blow and its not the bonus.
No idea how they could implement a negotiation mechanic without having some sort of penalty - if the player (by chance) rejects he might become ineligible to play/performance penalty/MV reduction etc. Its a nice idea but a minefield I think.