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Thread: Condition problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Lightbulb Condition problem

    What exactly condition does meaning?
    when one of my players get injured, he loses condition over and over. in the other hand, when he plays he loses condition too!!
    is condition the energy of players or it is the fitness?
    if it is the fitness, why playing matches decreases it and if it is energy, why injured players lose it?
    a player with broken foot runs? so why he loses condition?
    maybe it should be 2 percentages. one for fitness and one for energy. players not playing lose fitness and players playing lose energy.

  2. #2
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Condition theory

    Why we lose condition?
    Ans-Below are some reason which effects condition of players.
    1: Tactics
    2: Quality
    3: Age
    4: Training bonus

    First I will discuss tactics.
    1: Tactics
    Tactics plays important role in losing players condition like;
    1: High pressing style(85%)
    2: Man on man marking style(10%)
    3: Arrows on players(5%)

    So these tactis effect your
    players condition.

    2: Quality
    Quality is also important factor when your player is having less condition he may play according to skill point.
    Three players are having 3*,4*,5*.
    All of them have 50% condition.
    Performance of 3* player-50%
    Performance of 4* player-65%
    Performance of 5* player-75%
    So 5* player has more performace quality than others at same condition.

    3: Age
    Age is also important factor.18 year old player will lose more condition than 32 year old,but he will get more skill point than 32 year old.

    4: Training bonuses
    If you are playing high press and don't want your player to get injured.Then go and train 8+ players together for this bonus.I will preffer physical and mental training with passing and piggy in middle.Rest you can train attacker and defenders seprately.

    Note:If player get injure,He is losing his form as well as physical skills in form of condition.That player needs rest so this game want to spend green pack or wait for him to take full rest after injury so his conditon falls down.
    I hope you understand it
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Yes that all makes sense but his question is what is the purpose of an injured player losing condition? I am using treatment packs to get him back to fitness so why has he also lost condition as if he is playing games or training when he isn't. We are essentially having to waste rests on a player who was already resting due to his inability to play or train.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Yes that all makes sense but his question is what is the purpose of an injured player losing condition? I am using treatment packs to get him back to fitness so why has he also lost condition as if he is playing games or training when he isn't. We are essentially having to waste rests on a player who was already resting due to his inability to play or train.
    exactly that was what I meant
    an injured player sleeps, rests, does not play games, does no training. so why he loses his energy? are you tired when you are in hospital and you sleep all the time? losing energy due to injury does not make any sense

  5. #5
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Did you read the note.If not then.
    A player in real life get injured,so he is treated in hospital,but in this game player can be imediately treated by red packs.
    The motive of lossing energy while injury is that he is not fit for playing matches at that moment but it can be resloved by few green packs.
    If player is hospitalised,then player need rest and time,as player is given some free time to rest so some condition is lost.
    Its very tough matter you may not understand.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  6. #6
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Condition is energy (fitness or fitness drills doesn't affect that).
    When playing he looses energy.
    When injured also loosing every day energy - and that's a rule of the game.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.
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