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- Changing the hour of league match!!! Please i need your help!!!
Post By Bunzo
Post By Voldara
Post By Jeeves
As you pointed out you have the option of changing the time of your home game .
What you must understand is that you are playing against teams from all over the world not just Europe.If you have away games at 2am that´s just tough luck you cannot have all the away games to suit yourself.
Im surprised that you have had so many away games fixed at a very unreasonable time btw .
If you are level one I would think most of your league will be bot teams?
Thanks for the suggestion!
It is unfortunate that sometimes the matches are at an inconvenient time and the Managers need to adjust themselves to it. Every Manager has been in a situation, where an important match (be it League, Cup or Championship, or even the final match for the Triple Crown) has been set for an unsuitable for the player time. There are 3 ways to tackle such situations:
1. Use the feature to change the time (which, as you found out, costs 2 Tokens)
2. Try to be present and available at the time of the match, so that you can support your team and ude the Training bonuses.
3. Study the formation of the opposing team, figure out a counter formation, train and prepare your team before hand, make sure they are rested and hope for the best.
As Bunzo mentioned, there are Managers from all over the world, that are active in different time zones, so it is normal for such situations to occur. It is up to the Manager to decide the importance of the match and if he's going to change the time or not.
Ok, i understand we play with managers over the world but i think that game must be adjusted. I mean my team is an poor romanian team and wold be correct that i must have romanian teams in my league. For me if i'll be in a romanian league would be fantastic. So other managers from other countries if they created a team from theirs nationality they must be situated in a league with same nationality. That will be more correct game.
Honest manager

Zanetti, in general, the system allocates accounts to the nearest most suitable server cluster. Not only due to bandwidth and other such technical things but also in regards to their time zone.
When an account gets placed in a server, it's going to stay on the server for good. So when some users travel the world due to holidays and/or their work, and it's right before the beginning of the season (when fixtures are being drawn), it can happen that these managers will give the system a bit of a hard time when registering comfortable match times for everyone in each competition group.
We're really sorry that this happens from time to time, and know it's uncomfortable in some cases, but due to technical limitations we currently can't make the situation better. It just happens sometimes. I hope you understand. :/
Btw, just so you know - I'm an old player here in Top 11 so I've also have had to play at some ridiculous hours every now and then and do know how uncomfortable it can be.
Is ok, thanks!
Honest manager

You are most welcome, ZANETTI 
Thanks for understanding and good luck in your upcoming matches!
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