Top eleven is a very good game but, the only bad thing I found is the problem of the Friends, because, as this game is on Facebook, we can say that it is a social game, a game that we can play with friend, but, if we aren't in the same server, we couldn't help ourselves and play together , it's a shame. For example, I've got more than 20 friends who play top eleven, but I can only see, 4 of these, and this 4 friends, I didn't know them, I accepted them for others Facebook's games, but my real friends and I began at the same time and we couldn't help us. So, my idea is : before the end of the season or at the beginning, before an updating, to help or see one friend, we should send a request to him to be on the same server only if accept it. If he didn't answer or refuse, he will stay as a 'normal' friend, a friend that you could just confront or see his position on his league.
With this method, it will be funniest for people who arent' in the same server than their friends' server and I'm sure that if you do that, many people will come to play top eleven because they will be always with their friends.
And sorry for my bad English, I come from France ...