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Thread: Suggestions IU for Top Eleven

  1. #1
    Apprentice Amoun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Question Suggestions IU for Top Eleven


    I propose you to add ability icon to the new formation ( SET PIECE TAKERS ) see the picture

    Suggestions IU for Top Eleven-sans-titre-1g.jpg

    Why ? to put the player in the right order ( I must click to player to see ability and choose them )

    The second suggestions is about moral, the must activity I have to do to y team, I should click to every player has a bad moral and upgrade it
    you can imagine If u have 11 players with bad moral, so is not very good practice, I suggest to you a good solotion ( see the picture )

    Suggestions IU for Top Eleven-sans-titre-1.jpg

    for the quality of my illustration, I haven't the resource to make good

    and for the last thing I hope to share, please take in consideration my last suggection see the link

    all of my suggection is for dev and designer nordeus

    so you Manager, player of the game top eleven if you are agree with me put like

    thank you

    Adrian Ibañez likes this.
    Club: Valhalla
    Purpose : to be football manager and leading my national team

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    and not only that, we must see also their positions so not being confused and set a DC with high quality instead of my AMR who has little lower quality but higher attacking skills.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    On the squad lineup screen, you should be able to sort your players by their current position (the far left column). If you sort by another column like age, quality, etc. you have no way of resorting so you can see your starters and subs separately.

  4. #4
    Apprentice Amoun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Thank you for updating and taking me first suggestion in this post in consideration.

    I hope u can make the other point in the game

    See yaaa

    Sent from my BLL-L21 using Tapatalk
    Club: Valhalla
    Purpose : to be football manager and leading my national team