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Thread: May Nordeus hire a marketing trainee...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    May Nordeus hire a marketing trainee...

    It amazes me more and more every time I see the ridiculous offers we get from our beloved N. Last year during Xmas time, there were the "discount" packages where you ended up paying more than the regular token offers. And now, here comes this new challenge. I am just half-way in it but no need to be a wizard to foresee I'm not going to make it. It took all my small change to beat team 5 and now come the monsters. And be sure I'm not going to waste a single T to re-enter... But I have already seen enough of the "offers" we got in terms of players: 370 T for one player whose level/age/position/SA are unknown !!! I thought that eventually they will learn from their mistakes and adjust what they are offering to us, poor token payers... But no. Just imagine I am a real estate agent. This would be my offer: Hey, give me 1M € and I'll find a new home for you. But on top of that, there will be some surprises! It might either be a loft with view on central park, a cabin lost in the Canadian prairie or a squatt in a half-demolished building in the Bronx... Maybe you will get a view on the Carribean sea or you'll be squeezed between two turnpikes close to Baltimore. Just play with me. Please...
    Last edited by gizzmo; 01-19-2018 at 02:35 PM.
    Club: FC Lomagne

    Level: 33

    Current Season (44): League (ON STRIKE), CL (N/A), Cup (In - Quarter-Finals)

    Previous Season: League (11th), CL (Final), Cup (Last 16)

  2. #2
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    what marketing??? They have Mourinho, that's all the game needs to be successful.
    texhorn60 likes this.

  3. #3
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    This is urgent.
    I had a proposition yesterday, to buy a low 8* player for 400 tokens (when I have 350 T).
    He was 25 y.o.

    I doubt about the mental health of the marketing guys.
    texhorn60 likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I have written them about this but they are deaf. I did buy in seasons 1 through 3 but I always received the worse possible player offered, never the 8 star but the six, never the seven but the five and always too old. They never listened. And after the German tour, I knew they were deaf. There answer was you don’t have to play it. LOL. So we don’t want anyone to win, I mean no one, because they think it is funny that you have to play four monster teams that they created. Not only was every player nine stars, they were a nine star players a level higher than all mine nine star players and I had four. Made it to city four once and city three, thrice. So I guess they really want my money and I am thinking about moving on. Plus the players offered were way to expensive and if you won one, a good player for league play but not good enough to help play the tour. I would love to sit in their meetings.