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Thread: Substitutions, young players - Izmene u toku utakmice, mladi igrači, pregovori

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Substitutions, young players - Izmene u toku utakmice, mladi igrači, pregovori

    - It would be good if we could note during the game which player on the court is the worst at that point. So we could know who to change. Of course, this should not be the only formally, but these changes should really affect the game.
    - Please normalize prices for young players. I think that 8 - 10 tokens is OK, otherwise the idea of ​​football school for young players does not make sense.
    - For several days trying to buy players via the negotiations, but unsuccessful.
    Does this option work?
    I sent 10-15 offer but nothing. I just can not believe it.

    - Bilo bi dobro kada bi smo za vreme utakmice mogli da vidimo koji igrač na terenu pruža najlošiju partiju u tom trenutku. Tako bi smo znali koju izmenu je najbolje da izvršimo. Naravno, ovo ne treba da bude samo forme radi, već ta izmena stvarno treba se odrazi na igru.
    - Normalizujte cene za mlade igrače. Mislim da je 8 tokena sasvim OK, inače sama ideja škole fudbala za mlade igrače nema nikakvog smisla.
    - Već nekoliko dana pokušavam da kupim igrače preko opcije PREGOVORI, ali bezuspešno.
    Da li ta opcija sigurno radi?
    Poslao sam 10 - 15 ponuda i ništa. Prosto ne mogu da verujem.

    I konačno dajte bre neki forum na srpskom, a ne da se ovde lomim pola sata oko ove poruke :-)
    Ae pozdrav i samo tako nastavite, igrica je super!!!

  2. #2
    Apprentice Okta Viando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Slobodan Golubovic View Post
    - It would be good if we could note during the game which player on the court is the worst at that point. So we could know who to change. Of course, this should not be the only formally, but these changes should really affect the game.
    - Please normalize prices for young players. I think that 8 - 10 tokens is OK, otherwise the idea of ​​football school for young players does not make sense.
    - For several days trying to buy players via the negotiations, but unsuccessful.
    Does this option work?
    I sent 10-15 offer but nothing. I just can not believe it.

    - Bilo bi dobro kada bi smo za vreme utakmice mogli da vidimo koji igrač na terenu pruža najlošiju partiju u tom trenutku. Tako bi smo znali koju izmenu je najbolje da izvršimo. Naravno, ovo ne treba da bude samo forme radi, već ta izmena stvarno treba se odrazi na igru.
    - Normalizujte cene za mlade igrače. Mislim da je 8 tokena sasvim OK, inače sama ideja škole fudbala za mlade igrače nema nikakvog smisla.
    - Već nekoliko dana pokušavam da kupim igrače preko opcije PREGOVORI, ali bezuspešno.
    Da li ta opcija sigurno radi?
    Poslao sam 10 - 15 ponuda i ništa. Prosto ne mogu da verujem.

    I konačno dajte bre neki forum na srpskom, a ne da se ovde lomim pola sata oko ove poruke :-)
    Ae pozdrav i samo tako nastavite, igrica je super!!!
    i agree about giving current point about players during the game so we can mush easier subs those one who play bad.

    about price of young player, im not sure bcoz if u in a bid war with people who has much token u can fight until round 25

    the negotiation option still new but seems not really works..

    i think they should think of new change of that..