So, the idea is pretty simple. Instead of the token bonuses being all about Divisions (which we all know can be easily cheated), the game instead would grant bonus for actually sticking to your Association, and for each tier you would get a bonus at the end of the season:
If you have 100 points for the association, you get +5 tokens and the end of that season; 200 +10... 1000 or more 50 extra tokens (1 tier per 100 points). And the tokens per division would be cut in half. So Platinum would just return 50 tokens, and so on. So the only way to get 150 tokens would be Platinum, plus best Platinum, plus 1000 points per your Association.
Which means the Association system exploiters could end up getting the same tokens that a group of friends that plays the game for years, but its simply not looking to cheat the system, would have in a Bronze division tier with 1000 points.
I believe its a simple way to make the associations what they are intended to be, and not just a cheesy way to get tokens.