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Thread: Great Cup championship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Great Cup championship

    to make the cup championship more enjoyable i have a new idea . we should have in each Cup only 3 Successive levels for example (level 1,2,3 )......(level 10,11,12).... like this each player can have a chance when he is in level one and this chance increase in next level and go higher and higher when he is in top level of the championship so each player can win the cup league minimum one time in 3 season ... i am level 11 and i have great team but each season i lost VS player from level 18,20... so it is unfair ...

  2. #2
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You should use search first and we already talked about that and yes you have right it should be more balanced but in my opinion it should be around 5 levels aslong in real are 6/+.
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  3. #3
    Apprentice Okta Viando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by capitain5 View Post
    to make the cup championship more enjoyable i have a new idea . we should have in each Cup only 3 Successive levels for example (level 1,2,3 )......(level 10,11,12).... like this each player can have a chance when he is in level one and this chance increase in next level and go higher and higher when he is in top level of the championship so each player can win the cup league minimum one time in 3 season ... i am level 11 and i have great team but each season i lost VS player from level 18,20... so it is unfair ...
    nice idea.. but too bad we have discussed it before

    try to search the thread and post ur idea there