View Poll Results: Would you like to see relegation and/or harder promotion in the League?

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  • Harder Promotion & Relegation

    10 38.46%
  • Just Harder Promotion

    1 3.85%
  • Just Relegation

    10 38.46%
  • Neither

    5 19.23%
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Thread: Promotions & Relegation

  1. #1
    Newbie AdRob5's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Promotions & Relegation

    I have two suggestions for the League:

    1) Add relegation to the leagues. This would make it a lot more interesting. Teams who have no or very little chance of promotion can still have a reason to play. There will be fights to avoid relegation. I would suggest relegating the bottom four teams down to the lower league level. This would also result in inactive users eventually falling down to lvl 1. This would also keep more and more people from continually filling up the max league level, because some would get relegated.

    2) Make it harder to get promoted to the next league level. Right now, it's too easy to get to the next level. With the top seven teams making it into the next league level, you don't have to be very good to get promoted. As long as you aren't bad, you can make it into the next league level. If only the top 4 teams made it into the next league level, it would make top eleven more challenging. It would make it more exciting when you do level up, because it's actually an accomplishment.

    This system would also have the same number of people relegated and promoted, so there would always be the same number of people in each league. It would make Top Eleven much more interesting and fun.
    sebasb and gtmsnba13 like this.

  2. #2
    Rookie Tauros's Avatar
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    I agree with the relegation. But only for the last two teams.

    As for promotions, its fine the way it is.

    I had to work very hard to stay in the same league this season. League 5. Even throwing games on purpose, i almost made to seventh place. Luckily i finished 8th.
    As a result, in this new league, i'm the strongest team, with an 8 point lead over the second strongest squad. And i do have a few stinkers on my squad to bring my overall quality down!

  3. #3
    Dreamer Maxtax's Avatar
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    Athens, Greece
    I like the way it is i think it fits more to a game which TE is!
    TEAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS(Est.10.5.2011) Season 47/Level ?/League 40
    24 Leagues, 13 Champion Leagues, 6 Cups, 1 Treble.

  4. #4
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Get Relegated on purpose 4 times in a row so you can have 9* players... great idea...
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    Get Relegated on purpose 4 times in a row so you can have 9* players... great idea...
    no Nordeus can let the game release your best players and auto sub them...

  6. #6
    Dreamer Tornado88's Avatar
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    I don't believe relegation can work in this game. But I do like the idea of harder promotion, could solve the problem of people level 20+ being in leagues with people who are levels above them.

  7. #7
    Apprentice gtmsnba13's Avatar
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    I think leagues should be larger so promotion would be harder in itself. And relegation would be a great idea so inactive teams would be in level 1 again. And so that inactive team won't be OP when relegated, players outside the vicinity star level will get instantly booted and will become a free agent in the previous season.
    AdRob5 likes this.

  8. #8
    Dreamer Maxtax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtmsnba13 View Post
    I think leagues should be larger so promotion would be harder in itself. And relegation would be a great idea so inactive teams would be in level 1 again. And so that inactive team won't be OP when relegated, players outside the vicinity star level will get instantly booted and will become a free agent in the previous season.
    Above level 23-24 i haven't met a single inactive team instead there are fully active and 5* to 6* av. qlty teams is the real fanatic zone ,lol, if relegation introduced it will be very dif. for many to ever passed through those levels , the delay of back and forth on levels can be boring and eventually many will quit the game. Its very risky for a game.
    Last edited by Maxtax; 04-16-2013 at 12:46 AM.
    TEAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS(Est.10.5.2011) Season 47/Level ?/League 40
    24 Leagues, 13 Champion Leagues, 6 Cups, 1 Treble.

  9. #9
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    I think it should stay how is now but it can be a good idea to give a penalty for this who are not promoting to next level, like some minus tokens or moneys
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  10. #10
    Newbie AdRob5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    I think it should stay how is now but it can be a good idea to give a penalty for this who are not promoting to next level, like some minus tokens or moneys
    Why would we want to penalize those who didn't get to the next level. They already didn't get promoted, no need to punish them further. We don't want the bad teams to get worse. They need those tokens and $ so they can get to the next level this season.

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