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Thread: Rewards for spending money in top elaven

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Out of here

    Rewards for spending money in top elaven

    I am curious why Top Eleven management is not rewarding players that spend real money in the game - just like most of the games out there.
    Does Top Eleven ownership want to keep the paying customers coming back and buy more?
    Customer Service quality - is that important for players for paying customers?
    Some of these questions need to be addressed by the Top 11 management or ownership -

    I'm also asking the Forum members to leave their opinion - I'm curious if there are happy/unhappy customers out there wanting to be heard.

    Thank you all

    Gabe TC - Central FC season 6 manager
    Team quality 50.4 (6 Stars)
    Team History
    Season League Ch league Cup

    1....... 1 st ....... n/a ......... PS
    2....... 1 st ....... 3 rd ......... 1 st
    3....... 1 st ....... 1 st ......... 1 st
    4....... 2 nd ....... 2 nd......... 3 rd
    5....... 1 st ....... 1 st ......... 1 st

  2. #2
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hmm you are geting tokens but yes I thinked about that and donors should have some advantage and not in tokens, maybe more options, some special filtres for searching players or other things, I'm sure they can find something
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  3. #3
    Apprentice Okta Viando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Nordeus already give token back by having a referral

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Out of here
    Yes - but they don't reward you for BUYING tokens like other games do.
    You don't have any advantages except you can buy Scout players. No matter how many tokens you have you can not buy better quality players than scout. If I want to spend money on tokens, I want to be able to buy better players too. Let us buy better players Nordeus - at least 7 star quality.
    Last edited by GabeTC; 12-07-2012 at 07:18 PM.