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Thread: Player Rating Overhaul and Youth Systems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Player Rating Overhaul and Youth Systems

    I've played T11 since 2013, and have played games like Football Manager for even longer.

    For a while I've had a bit of a nitpick about the player rating system and in particular how that relates to youth players.

    If the purpose of the youth academy is to simply generate good(ish) players for a cheap price then it functions fine. But I really don't think that SHOULD be the purpose of the youth system in T11. It certainly doesn't work that way in real football. Academies develop players over time, and bring them into their first teams, loan them, or simply sell them. Currently outside of the main squad, there is no way of developing youth talent in a meaningful way. It takes more than 5-10 tokens to sign the top generated youth player, which means it gives me the player no impetus to bother when I can just sign a good 5 star player from the auction.

    Instead, you could have a proper youth team within the game, where you generate players aged 15-17 or so, and you can develop them in your academy, and set the lineup and types of trainings and have an AI manager play them in matches against the youth teams in your league. You could then call up players and demote players etc up to the age of 23 like in the Premier League.

    To that end, with a development engine in place the player ratings system would change to a current and potential ability scheme like in FM. Instead of generating a 5 star 18 y-o player, you get a 15 year old prospect with a very high potential ability. With the game focused on player development and proper scouting, the game would hopefully become more tactical, and pay-to-play would cease to impact T11. With the new player rating system, theoretically the current "scouting" feature would just be eliminated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Great idea
    dsmeyer555 and Isilakar like this.