I used to be a real fan of this game, a really long time ago. I started playing again recently; and I still love it the same.
I noticed and started playing with the association. I'll be honest, I didn't pretty much like it; as it tends people to stay in their division to have better players and compete better with the association, rather than seek the league title and a higher division.
I came up with an idea, so i though I'd share it:
What if with the association; the team's quality gets just slightly better depending on the level: one star for 10 divisions (for example).
What i mean by that, is that if a level 40 player A plays against a level 30 player B (10 division higher) with both an average quality of 100%; player A’s team quality will be seen by B as 120% and player B's team quality seen by A as 80%. Or, like if A was in division 4(40/10) and B in divions 3 (30/10).
Managers would be able to compete against higher division ones with a really good strategy.
Old and top divisons players will sure keep the highest divisions(gold), but it also is the case in most of the games. Lower division players will compete in lower association divisions. And since a quality star is removed at the end of the season for each player, it will be hard to stay at the top; the competition is at its height!
I hope I have been usefull
Good luck for everyone for next season