Add the Forum MCs challange we do, in game. Rewarding a special achievement for earning +400 points using the Challange pointing system we have.
5 points MotM, 3 per assistance, 1 per goal.

and 2,

FAs High-"personalized" Bonus system available.

Ok, lets say, every manager can have a +4% FA bonus like now, which means 14%, so activating it 21% but, let's imagine that, there's no bonus until 100% avq and setting a starting avq of 120% allow you, to reach 12%. So, 22%+11% = +33%.

About the personalized concept I was thinking about a Captain Role to administrate the Bonus %s but only in a unique direction, like X player gives his 4% toa Y of Higher AvQ only, or even decide manually.

Another point here to try to keep a AvQ of 120% inside the FAs, so proportional distances, could be, the same Bous system but, no cookie for -100%s nor +140%s.
All is about to keep distances.

So lower avq or manipulators 0% bonus
100%-119,9% = 4%
119-139,9% = +12%
140+ = 0%

Another option would be, do the draws based in a Best of 3. Instead of a best 11.
And imagination allow many variables.